July 3, 2024


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Green Party’s Habineza Aims to Integrate Legal Education into Medical Curricula

Dr. Frank HABINEZA, the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda’s (DGPR) chairperson and presidential candidate, announced plans to establish a law course for every university student upon his election.

This pledge was made on Sunday, June 30, 2024, during a campaign rally in the Mukura Sector of Huye District, marking the party’s ninth day of campaigning.

During the event, the Executive Secretary of the Mukura sector, Fideli NGABO, welcomed Green Party candidates and urged residents to understand their manifesto for informed decision-making.

The female representative of the Green Party in the southern province, Louise MUTUYIMANA, expressed gratitude for the party’s activists’ presence in the province, especially in the Huye region.

Jean Claude NTEZIMANA, the Green Party’s Secretary General and campaign manager, expressed satisfaction with returning home with the best, stating that this was not the first time they had visited, as his home is in Tumba, Huye district.

He said, “I’m glad that I came home today with only the best. You know this is not the first time we have come here; my home is here in Tumba.”

As a deputy candidate in the upcoming elections, Jean Claude NTEZIMANA praised the bold advocacy and achievement of 70% of the promises made during their last term.

He said, “We have nothing else to do except ask for votes. It is not the first time, because we were also here last time.”

Dr. Frank HABINEZA, the party’s presidential candidate, said that once elected president, he will establish a way for every student, especially doctors to learn the laws so that a person will know the law that hits him and the law that protects him. This will reduce injustice and lawlessness.

He said, “Doctors, according to close friends, face a problem due to the lack of law schools and oaths they must swear in. Mistakes can result in being locked up due to misspelled patient names or lack of legal knowledge.”

He continued by expressing his gratitude for the five-year home in a university town that significantly shaped his identity.

“This University shaped me into what I am today”, he said.

He noted that Huye is a university town crucial for the city’s existence, where over 10,000 students and teachers shop in the market, stating that without the university, the city of Huye would seem to be absent.

Habineza plans to develop the Huye region through business and reduced taxes, aiming to increase business in the region dominated by youth.

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