July 3, 2024


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RPF-Inkotanyi Candidates Continue Campaigning in Southern Province Ahead of Parliamentary Elections

On June 30, 2024, the campaign activities of RPF-Inkotanyi candidates in the parliamentary elections continued in various areas of the Southern Province. The candidates reminded members of the achievements and urged them to vote for them to continue their progress.

In Nyaruguru District, candidates Dr Turamwishimiye Marie Rose and Mungwakuze Yves from RPF Inkotanyi, along with Kamali Nyampatse Valens from PSR, a party united with RPF-Inkotanyi, campaigned in Nyabimata Sector.

In Kamonyi District, candidates Munyandamutsa Jean Paul and Uwamahoro Prisca, both from RPF-Inkotanyi, campaigned in Nyamiyaga Sector at Ngoma Stadium. Mr. Rutsinga Jacques, in charge of RPF Campaign activities in Kamonyi District, highlighted the progress made by the RPF-Inkotanyi in the past 7 years, including the construction of Industries, roads, electricity, and water distribution throughout the District.

In Ruhango District, candidate Rusanaganwa Theogene campaigned in Bweramana Sector at Gitwe Centre. In Nyamagabe District, RPF-Inkotanyi candidates Gahimano Antoine and Niyonshuti Antoinette campaigned in Kaduha Sector.

All candidates emphasized the need for voters to give RPF-Inkotanyi another chance to continue bringing progress to the Southern Province. They reiterated that RPF-Inkotanyi remains a driving force for the development initiatives.

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