July 7, 2024


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New Bridge in Mata Sector of Nyaruguru District Boosts Business Opportunities

Residents of Mata Cell in the Mata sector of Nyaruguru district are celebrating the completion of a new bridge, which they believe will open up new business opportunities in previously inaccessible areas. The bridge, constructed by Nyaruguru district and finished in January 2024 at a cost of Rwf 71 million, has been welcomed by the community.

Margret Mukagasana, a resident of Mata village, shared how difficult it was to travel to other villages, especially during the rainy season. She expressed gratitude for the new bridge, which has made it easier to navigate the challenging terrain and has ensured that patients no longer miss out on medical care due to lack of transportation options.

Another resident, Patricia Mukantwali from Runono village in Murambi cell, explained the struggles they faced before the bridge was built. She highlighted the improvements in connectivity, as well as the elimination of obstacles such as lost paths, inclement weather conditions, and challenges faced by elderly individuals and pedestrians.

She insisted that the resident’s ability to walk and access markets without issues has significantly improved their lives and overall development.

Eric KAYUMBA, Executive Secretary of the Mata Sector, emphasized the necessity of a bridge for those without crossing barriers and expressed gratitude to the government for their consideration.

He said, “The bridge is crucial for those unable to cross Runono to Mata, it has come at the right time. We appreciate our government; we appreciate the President of the Republic who looks after the people.”

He concluded by stressing that easy movement to each other promotes peace, socialization, and sustainable development among people.

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