July 3, 2024


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Independent Candidate Mpayimana Philippe Campaigns in Northern Province

The independent candidate for the position of the Head of the Nation, Mpayimana Philippe, continued his campaign in the Northern Province, arriving in Musanze to address the public. During his campaign in Burera District and Musanze District, Mpayimana discussed his plans for Rwanda if elected.

Among the 50 articles he will focus on, Mpayimana highlighted the economy, justice, International Diplomacy and other key issues. He also engaged with the community, allowing them to share their opinions and ask questions.

One of the most common questions raised was about the incumbent candidate, Paul Kagame, who was selected by the RPF-Inkotanyi. Responding to concerns about Kagame’s accomplishments, Mpayimana emphasized that he is campaigning to build on the progress made by previous leaders and take Rwanda to the next level.

Mpayimana acknowledged Kagame’s achievements in developing Rwanda and emphasized the importance of continuity in leadership. He expressed a desire for Rwandans to have the opportunity to elect a leader who will continue to advance the country’s development.

Campaigning in the Northern Province since June 26, 2024, Mpayimana is focusing on engaging with voters and presenting his vision for Rwanda’s future. His campaign activities follow those of other approved candidates by the National Electoral Commission.

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