July 7, 2024


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Celebrating Agricultural Success: RPF-Inkotanyi’s Policy Impact in Rwanda’s East

By Ange de la Victoire DUSABEMUNGU

The residents of Mukama Sector in Nyagatare District, Eastern Province of Rwanda are celebrating the success of the RPF-Inkotanyi that has initiated programs to connect farmers with agricultural councilors. This program has led to a significant increase in maize production, with yields rising from 3.5 tons per hectare in 2017 to 7 tons per hectare today.

During an RPF-Inkotanyi campaign for President and MP Candidates on June 28, 2024, residents shared their stories of success. Jean de Dieu, a farmer from Gishororo cell, reported that by implementing the advice of agricultural experts, his maize yield increased from 2.5 tons to 6 tons per hectare.

Nsabimana Marcel, another farmer from Gihengeri, praised the modern farming techniques and fertilizers provided, which have helped him double his production. However, he emphasized the need for better infrastructure, such as roads connecting them to markets in Gicumbi District.

Nyirahabimana Verena, a 78-year-old woman, expressed gratitude to Paul Kagame for bringing equality and stability to Rwandans. She highlighted the reduction in property disputes and improved access to education as key achievements of the Party.

Deputy candidate Mussolini Eugène reflected on the transformative impact of the RPF-Inkotanyi, noting the restoration of unity among Rwandans as a core mission. He also highlighted the development projects in Mukama Sector, including a coffee factory, new clinics, ECDs, and classrooms.

Why Voting for RPF is a 100%, Sure Deal

The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) has made significant strides in inspiring the young generation in Rwanda through various accomplishments.

From restoring security and assisting the needy to promoting education for all, the RPF has shown a commitment to improving the lives of all Rwandans.

After analyzing a range of perspectives on the achievements of the RPF over the past three decades, TOP AFRICA NEWS has identified compelling reasons why many believe the Party is deserving of continued leadership in the country.

Restoring Security and Assisting the Needy:

One of the key accomplishments of the RPF is restoring security in Rwanda after the devastating genocide in 1994. By ensuring peace and stability in the country, the RPF has created a safe environment for all Rwandans to thrive. Additionally, the RPF has implemented programs to assist the needy, providing support to vulnerable populations and improving their quality of life.

Promoting Education for All:

Education is a fundamental right for all individuals, and the RPF has made it a priority to promote education for all Rwandans.

Through significant investments in the construction of schools and the implementation of educational programs for all school-aged individuals, the RPF has successfully enabled young people from underprivileged backgrounds to access education up to the university level. This commitment to education is crucial for the advancement of Rwanda’s future generations.

Implementing Health Policies and Fostering Patriotism:

The RPF has also implemented health policies that benefit everyone, particularly the less fortunate. By improving access to healthcare services and promoting healthy living, the RPF has made significant strides in improving the overall health of Rwandans. Additionally, the RPF has fostered a culture of patriotism among Rwandans, encouraging unity and pride in their country.

Advancing Technology and Boosting the Economy:

In today’s digital age, technology plays a crucial role in facilitating better outcomes for individuals and societies. The RPF has advanced technology in Rwanda, making it easier for Rwandans to access information and services. Furthermore, the RPF has boosted the economy through innovative development initiatives, creating opportunities for growth and prosperity for all Rwandans.

Based on the accomplishments of the RPF in inspiring the young generation in Rwanda, voting for RPF is a 100% sure deal. From promoting education and healthcare to advancing technology and boosting the economy, the RPF has shown a commitment to improving the lives of all Rwandans. By continuing to support the RPF, Rwandans can ensure a bright future for themselves and future generations.

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